Michelle Rainey

About Michelle Rainey

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So far Michelle Rainey has created 5 blog entries.

Connect High Reopening Plan–Respond to Survey!

Greetings Connect HS Community,

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Phase II Reopening Plan meeting this evening. If you missed it, this e-mail contains everything you need to know, including a recording of the meeting. We understand the difficulty of navigating the wide range of emotions, perspectives, and opinions that come with processing this plan. We know that it has been an extremely difficult year for all of us, and this plan certainly does not eliminate or alleviate that entirely. However, this plan does show care for ALL community members at Connect, and is a strong stepping stone to our return to “normal.” Thank you for the ongoing trust, support, and grace you have shown us as we navigate one of the most challenging times in our educational careers. We cannot wait to see you and your students back on campus sometime soon.

In order to have a full understanding of our plan, please view the recording of our meeting HERE (Password: et!$9*Zr). You can also view the presentation slides HERE.

To access the COVID Handbook (which will continue to be updated as guidelines change), please click HERE.

After watching the recorded meeting, reviewing the slide deck and reviewing the COVID Handbook, please complete THIS SURVEY no later than March 17th.

With Immense Gratitude,

Michelle and Marc

By |2021-03-16T04:30:58-07:00March 16th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Connect High Reopening Plan–Respond to Survey!

Connect HS Phase II Reopening Meeting MONDAY, 7pm!

Good evening Connect HS families,

Our schools are working hard to develop and communicate Phase II reopening plans. Please be sure to read the update sent out this evening by Da Vinci Schools.

Da Vinci Connect HS is holding its reopening plan meeting for parents THIS COMING MONDAY, March 15th at 7pm. Here is the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/3105421796

Thank you!



By |2021-03-13T04:47:46-08:00March 13th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Connect HS Phase II Reopening Meeting MONDAY, 7pm!

Back to School Night Slides/Recordings and Survey Reminder

Greetings Connect HS Families, 

We are so glad so many of you were able to join us at our first Back to School Night last Wednesday evening. If you missed it, here are the recordings and slide deck: 

Slide Deck 

Recording of Welcome/Overview and 9th grade teachers 

Recording of 10th/11th grade business class 

Recording of 10th/11th grade chemistry and language class 

As a reminder, Connect HS students are currently working on creating Student Led Conference slide decks that will help them facilitate a recorded conversation with you that they will submit to their teachers. Teachers will be available to meet with parents who wish to further discuss. Student Led Conferences are intended to be just that–student led. It is an opportunity for students to “show what they know” and reflect on their progress and areas of growth. As a staff, we will reflect on what we learn this semester to structure SLCs differently next semester. For now, and especially with how complicated COVID life is, we want to honor SLCs while also hopefully making them an easy to manage and stress-free experience. 

One last reminder/request–parents, please complete our fall survey! We truly consider and appreciate your feedback! 

Thank you, 

Your Connect HS Team

By |2020-10-14T21:28:04-07:00October 14th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Back to School Night Slides/Recordings and Survey Reminder

Opportunity to Provide Input on the Draft Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

DV Connect is seeking input from students, staff, families, and community members on the initial draft of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan.  The purpose of this plan is to describe how DV Connect will address the impacts of COVID-19 and maintain continuity of student learning in the coming year.  The final document will include our plans for:

  • Providing distance learning and, when public health conditions allow, in-person instruction
  • Measuring student progress and participation and address learning loss
  • Providing supports for English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, Students with Unique Needs, and Low-income students
  • Ensuring access to devices and connectivity
  • Providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being
  • Student and family engagement and outreach to reengage students who are absent, unengaged, or at risk of learning loss
  • Providing school meals for students during distance learning and in-person instruction
  • Increasing/improving services for English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, and Low-Income students


DV Connect values stakeholder voice and input. This input will be used to guide revisions.  A draft will be presented in a public hearing on Friday September 25, 2020 8:00-9:00 a.m. via zoom link https://zoom.us/j/91367888850  and the final draft will be presented for adoption at the September 30, 2020 6:00 p.m. board meeting.

All stakeholders are encouraged to provide comments on the Draft Plan.  The Draft Plan and comment forms can be accessed at the links below.




Comments can be submitted using one of the following google forms:

English Comment Form  LINKED HERE

Spanish Comment Form (Formulario de comentarios en español) LINKED HERE/VINCULADO AQUÍ


By |2020-09-19T18:50:34-07:00September 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Opportunity to Provide Input on the Draft Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

Friday 9/18: Picture Day Make up and Non Student Day

Hello Connect HS Families!

This is a reminder that Friday, 9/18 is a non-student day. Staff will be engaged in professional development. There will be no classes held and you are not expected to homeschool. Enjoy the long weekend! In case you forgot, our year-long calendar can be found on the main Da Vinci Schools website HERE (scroll down to Connect).

Friday, 9/18 is also Da Vinci’s make-up picture day with our photographer, Stacee Lianna! She will be available for student photos from 8:30am-12:00pm.

You must register HERE

Please make sure to write your student’s first and last name when completing the registration form, not your name. 

These photos will be used for student IDs and for your student’s school picture 😉

Enjoy the rest of your week!

The Da Vinci Connect Team

By |2020-09-15T17:52:52-07:00September 15th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Friday 9/18: Picture Day Make up and Non Student Day
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