High School and College at the Same Time...For Free

With the April 2020 approval to expand Da Vinci Connect's charter petition, Da Vinci Schools is now positioned to merge two of its most innovative programs, Da Vinci Connect and Da Vinci Extension, into one school serving students from Kindergarten through College.

Launched in Fall 2020, Da Vinci Connect High combines hybrid learning (both on AND off campus) with the incorporation of college, social emotional learning and career connected learning. Students begin their college journey as 9th graders and may earn a two-year or four-year degree while in high school, for free! Led by credentialed, collaborative and compassionate teachers who are experts in student-centered education, students develop agency to propel them successfully into the adult world of college, career and purpose.

The following statistics are heartbreaking and all too factual. America is good at sending students off to college. The unfortunate reality is that for most, they earn debt but no degree. Da Vinci Connect is committed to solving the “college completion crisis” by providing students with an early college experience aimed at degree completion and changing students’ college success trajectory, all all at no cost to students or families!

  • 91% of new jobs require a Bachelor’s degree
  • 60% of students entering a 4-year university earn their BA in 6 years
  • 15% entering a 2-year institution earn BA in 6 years
  • 14% of low income students earn their BA in 6 years
  • College tuition increases by 5-8% each year