Updated Connect Newsletter and Asynchronous Sign-ups (For week of 2/6)
Please click here for the newsletter.
Asynchronous Sign up
Please click here for the link to the sign-up for on-campus asynchronous days.
(Please sign up before Sunday 1/30 at 6pm)
Connect HS Information/Newsletter
Happy New Year!
Please click here to read our latest newsletter, in preparation for school resuming on Jan. 9th 2023.
Connect HS Last Week
Thank you Connect High Families for a wonderful Fall Semester. Being able to end the year watching students showcase what they have learned and their talents through our Exhibition Nights was truly memorable. We appreciate the support and encouragement as our students participate in Da Vinci signature practices, such as Exhibition, Student-Led Conferences and Presentations of Learning (all of which will take place in the Spring).
The last day for students on campus will be Thursday 12/15 (tomorrow 12/13 is the LAST day for our T/F cohort), and tomorrow 12/13 is also the due date for Learning Log #2.
School will resume on January 9, 2023, have a restful winter break.
Health Alert
Los Angeles County and Da Vinci Schools are experiencing extremely high respiratory infections among students and staff including Flu, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, also known as RSV and COVID-19. Please test for COVID if your student is experiencing respiratory symptoms.
Please do not send children to school if they are sick with acute symptoms (fever, productive or new cough, diarrhea/vomiting). Some of the cold and respiratory symptoms can linger for some time unfortunately. We encourage students to stay home when acutely ill and for those who are on the mend, who are able to get good sleep and have a typical appetite and energy level to return to school. Please continue to report all absences to the school office via phone or email.
Please continue to report all positive COVID cases, including during Thanksgiving break to school nurse Emily Green egreen@davincischools.org. We will then provide return guidance. General isolation instructions are to isolate for a minimum of 5 days from positive test or symptom onset and then return to school after a negative test on day 6-10. No student needs to be isolated for longer than 10 days.
COVID tests are available in all health offices, please encourage students to pick up a COVID test prior to break to support any holiday testing needs as holiday breaks approach.
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is strongly encouraging the following preventive measures:
- Frequent hand washing including before meals, after restroom use, after handling tissues
- Consider the use of masks indoors, with holiday gatherings or when in a group setting
- Coughs and sneezes should be covered with a tissue or sleeve, not hands
- Tissues should be properly disposed of in trash receptacles
- Avoid physical contact and sharing utensils with anyone who is exhibiting symptoms of an illness
- Get Influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations if eligible
Families should seek medical attention immediately if:
- Their child is having difficulty breathing
- Their child is showing signs of dehydration (no urine in 8 hours, no tears when crying)
- Their child has a persistently high fever, or is looking/acting very sick or lethargic
Take good care!
Dr. Emily Green, Director of Health Services
School Site Council Meeting TODAY
School Site Council!
All families are welcome to attend Connect’s School Site Council, TODAY, Monday 11/14 @ 4:30pm via Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/97935176139
Here are the dates for SSC meetings all year:
11/14, 12/12, 1/30, 2/27, 3/27, 5/1 and 5/31
MAP Testing Next Week
Connect HS students will be taking the MAP test in Math and English next week. The MAP test is an adaptive test that is used to collect student data to measure student growth and make informed decisions on instruction. In order to do this we have revised our class schedule for next week (moving advisory to the first class of the day).
MAP Test Schedule (10/31 – 11/4)
Advisory 9:15 – 11:10 (MAP Testing)
Per. 1 11:15 – 12:20
LUNCH 12:20 – 12:50
Per. 2 12:55 – 2:00
Per. 3 2:05 – 3:15
If you have questions regarding MAP testing, please email Robert at, ranthony@davincischools.org.