Greetings Connect HS Families, 

We are so glad so many of you were able to join us at our first Back to School Night last Wednesday evening. If you missed it, here are the recordings and slide deck: 

Slide Deck 

Recording of Welcome/Overview and 9th grade teachers 

Recording of 10th/11th grade business class 

Recording of 10th/11th grade chemistry and language class 

As a reminder, Connect HS students are currently working on creating Student Led Conference slide decks that will help them facilitate a recorded conversation with you that they will submit to their teachers. Teachers will be available to meet with parents who wish to further discuss. Student Led Conferences are intended to be just that–student led. It is an opportunity for students to “show what they know” and reflect on their progress and areas of growth. As a staff, we will reflect on what we learn this semester to structure SLCs differently next semester. For now, and especially with how complicated COVID life is, we want to honor SLCs while also hopefully making them an easy to manage and stress-free experience. 

One last reminder/request–parents, please complete our fall survey! We truly consider and appreciate your feedback! 

Thank you, 

Your Connect HS Team