Please click here for the latest Connect HS Newsletter.

A big thank you to all our Freshman and Sophomores that shared their Exhibition Projects!  Thank you to Connect High staff, they have done an amazing job in fostering curiosity and a desire to learn (even if the lesson comes by way of a mistake) in our students!

Please join us on Monday, December 18, 2023 from 5:00-6:30 pm for the 11th Grade Exhibition. Engage with diverse student projects, including English 11 Honors’ exploration of themes from “Interstellar,” ASU English 11’s writing portfolios, ASU Psychology 11’s insights on stress and anxiety, and ASU Biology 11’s immersive Water Cycle exhibit.
We also have videos of our Pre-calculus students group sales pitches on a new coaster they designed for the theme park of their choice. Team Portfolios are included with all student work and the process to make this design possible.