Good morning DV Connect HS students and families-

What a great first week we had on our new campus! We are all so grateful to be in the learning space with you all! Please make sure to follow the drop off and pick up signs/directions and please pay attention to our safety officers Larri and Renato- they are here to keep everything running smooth and to keep everyone safe! Please note the drop off and pick up is one way.

Don’t forget to check the DAILY TRACKER– a one stop shop for all asynchronous and synchrounous work/assignments, due dates, projects, office hours times and links, etc. Its the best way to keep up to date and on track in your classes- for students and parents/guardians. And don’t hesitiate to reach out to your teacher should you have any questions.

New this semester: if you miss a/an asynchronous assignment/s and fail to turn it in upon the due date- expect to recieve an email for a mandatory zoom session with Kene Washington- one of the Connect counselors who will be hosting weekly (mandatory) zoom sessions to asssit any student to get back on track with the class/es and assignmet/s. We want to help ensure your success! Should you have any questions about this, please reach out to Kene at

Below is this week’s schedule: normal cohort days this week:


Upcoming Dates:

  1. Monday February 21st is President’s Day and there is no school on this day
  2. Wednesday March 2nd Learning Log #4 is due no later than 11:59pm! Please make sure you are staying on top of this imporant document!

Have a good week!