Greetings DV Connect HS students and families-

Today (Wednesday 6/9) is the last day of the year! What a crazy year it has been and we are so appreciative of you and all your hard work! A couple last reminders:

  • There is an all school town hall meeting TODAY at 1:05pm on Marc’s office hours zoom link- please see the landing page and scroll down to the high school schedule for Marc’s office hours zoom link
  • Learning Log #5 is due completely filled out with appropriate work samples TONIGHT by 11:59pm
  • Report cards will be mailed out the week of June 21st. This is so we can have students work and submit in the SNHU Brightspace portal for mastery on competencies/goals, which officially closes June 20. You can check your PowerSchool account for final grades in other classes at the end of this week. Thank you in advance for your understanding with this.

Have a wonderful Summer!