Happy Friday!

Hope everyone had a nice week!

CLICK HERE for the daily tracker to plan out your asynchronous days, due dates for assignments and assessments, view class recordings, etc. Its a great way to keep up to date in your classes!

Also, please don’t forget that Learning Log #4 is due NEXT FRIDAY MARCH 26! Please know that turning in learning logs on time and filled out completely, including student work samples, is a requirement by the state for independent study. Failure to turn in a completed Learning Log with appropriate work samples will trigger a non-compliance letter to be sent.

Attention students, please check your Learning Logs #1, #2, and #3- some of you have feedback that needs to be addressed and edited! So also check those.

Thank you for your work on these!

Reminder that next two Mondays and two Tuesdays, the daily class schedules has been altered time wise to accommodate the CHYA.

In compliance with the California Healthy Youth Act, all Da Vinci Schools will hold two sessions of the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA) Webinars provided by Da Vinci Schools school nurse, Dr. Emily Green. Please CLICK HERE for the letter from Dr. Green.

The DV Connect HS CHYA webinars will be held on:

Mon/Thurs A/B cohort: March 22 and 29; 12:30pm-1:30pm https://zoom.us/j/93164221311

Tues/Fri C/D cohort: March 23 and 30; 1:05pm-2:05pm https://zoom.us/j/96516919402

The daily class schedules for those days listed above will be slightly altered to accommodate. Please CLICK HERE for the daily class schedules that have been adjusted timewise to accommodate.

Spring Break is taking place April 5-9, no school that week.

Have a great weekend!