DV Connect HS has a major event happening this spring, the WASC Accreditation of our school. “ACS WASC accreditation is a process schools use to monitor student learning and set school improvement goals. ACS WASC accreditation is an ongoing cycle of quality. Schools assess their program and the impact on student learning with respect to the ACS WASC criteria and other accreditation factors.”

We are looking for volunteers (students, parents, guardians) to help in the WASC process, so please join us this Wednesday January 27th at 6pm for more information about WASC and your chance to provide input and support to the program. Please go to this zoom link, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84904742796?pwd=aE9HTGMzQnRqbWpSUHlQbVN1Z1dtUT09

Any questions, please contact Marc Pioch, Asst. Principal, mpioch@davincischools.org