Carnegie Mellon University, top tier private research university in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, is offering their Pre-College Summer Program in a virtual format this Summer and 3 of of their programs are tuition FREE! You must apply and be accepted to attend. The no cost tuition programs this year are:

AI4AII (Artificial Intelligence)

Computer Science Scholars

Summer Academy for Math and Science (SAMS)

Students/families will be responsible for books and supplies if accepted to these programs. Please see THIS LINK for more financial info.

Follow THIS LINK for more info about the Carnegie Mellon Pre College Programs and to apply.

Please note, they do have other Pre College Programs available (Architecture, Writing and Culture, Drama, etc.) but those do have costs and tuition fees associated with them. Scholarships are available for these programs and to see if you are eligible to apply, please go to THIS LINK. Scroll down to “Scholarship Information” at the bottom for eligibility.

Contact your counselor if you have any questions!

Remember, colleges and universities are wanting to see how you are staying involved and active in academics during Covid, and this is a great opportunity to demonstrate that and put this on your college application when you apply!