We recognize that Election Day will bring waves of many different emotions for our families in the coming weeks. We encourage you to read the e-mail sent yesterday morning from our CEO, Matt, which included this resource to navigate conversations at home from The National Association of School Psychologists. Regardless of the results, we will continue to do our best to create safe spaces for our community to gather, learn, and thrive. We are honored to do this hard work of raising good humans with all of you.

Also, Erin Knott will be holding drop in office hours for any student who would like to speak more and process their feelings. Office hours will be held:

Wednesday Nov. 4th, 11am-noon

Thursday Nov. 5th, 9am-10am

Friday Nov. 6th, 10am-11am

The link to attend is:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 034 0873
Passcode: 9UpvGN