Greetings DV Connect HS Students and Parents! 

Thank you for working hard to reflect on your year so far and share your reflection in a videotaped presentation or conversation with an adult at home. Under normal circumstances, we would come together for Student Led Conferences. Thank you for being flexible with a digital format. We are using this semester’s SLCs to understand where students are at with their ability to reflect and articulate their learning and will do our own reflecting afterwards to decide how to run SLCs next semester. 

We are also offering optional opportunities for students and parents to meet with individual teachers. Please know these are intended to be in the spirit of SLCs–so not a teacher-parent sessions where students are talked about. Instead, families who wish to sign up (these meetings are optional) can talk reflectively about what is working and where students can grow. Sign up options are below: 

Lauren Takahashi:

Ayala Socol:

Kevin Gray:

Jared Nicol:

Marc Pioch:

Student SLC Checklist

Please follow the following steps to complete and submit your Student led Conference: 

1. Create a Google Slide presentation with the following slides (you were provided a template but can make changes): 

  • Slide 1: Title Slide
  • Slide 2: Overview of your presentation
  • Slide 3: Purpose of SLC (to give an overview of each of the classes you are taking and reflect on areas of strength and areas of growth)
  • Slide 4: Class 1 (Give an overview of the topics you have covered in this class.  What are you doing well in the class and what can you do better? If you are struggling, how can you find help?)
  • Slide 5: Class 2 (Give an overview of the topics you have covered in this class.  What are you doing well in the class and what can you do better? If you are struggling, how can you find help?)
  • Slide 6: Class 3  (Give an overview of the topics you have covered in this class.  What are you doing well in the class and what can you do better? If you are struggling, how can you find help?)
  • Slide 7: Advisory (How has this class helped you and what can make the class or your participation in the class better?) 
  • Slide 8: What questions do you have? (Student, please ask this of the adult you are presenting to)

2. Please make your presentation 7-10 minutes. You will likely need to practice. If you find yourself finishing early, go back and look at each slide–what more can you say about your strengths, your areas of growth, a goal for the future, a Habit of Heart and Mind you are or can apply? 

3. In addition to sharing your SLC with the adult(s) in your life, each of your teachers will watch your presentation for insight on the ideas you present. 

4. Record your presentation on Zoom. Here is an instructional video from YouTube if you need help. Make sure you save your recording. You will probably have the option to save to your computer or to the cloud. Either works! If you record to the computer, move the recording to your Google Drive and share the link with your teachers. If you record to the cloud, Zoom will email you a link you can send to your teachers. 

5. Don’t forget to email the recorded Zoom link to your three teachers and your advisor. 

6. So that we can learn and grow, please have the adult you presented to take this survey.

Thank you! We are looking forward to seeing your SLC! 

Your Da Vinci Connect Team!