CoLabL Talent Accelerator Summer Internship- Apply Now!
CoLabL Talent Accelerator – Apply Now!
Apply for the Talent Accelerator internship this Summer!
- What is it? Students will work with a team of other Da Vinci students and corporate mentors on several real projects aligned to employer and industry needs alongside CoLabL Talent Accelerator. Please review the below documents for more information:
- How do I apply?
○ Apply by MAY 17th at 5pm
○ Apply online here:
- You’ll need:
- An updated resume, saved in PDF form as “firstname_lastname_resume”
- A maximum one page essay describing why you would like to participate and what makes you a good fit for the program saved in PDF form as “firstname_lastname_essay”
- Students will be informed of selection via email by May 21st at 5pm
- Dates: The project consultancies will run from July 12th-August 6th.
○ They will be 100% remote
- Hours: There will be 10 hours/week of work. There will be 60 minute mentoring and upskilling workshops each week. Students will work on 1 individual projects and 1 team projects during the internship.
Other details:
- ELIGIBILITY: Open to all grade levels, but students are expected to communicate with industry partners and Natasha independent of parents/guardian. Students are expected to communicate promptly and professionally via email.
- SUMMER SCHOOL CREDIT: You will have the opportunity to earn 5 summer school credits for participating. It will reflect on your transcript as “Summer Internship Program”.
Need help with a resume?
Check out these resources below and feel free to share your resume with Natasha via Google Docs for feedback.
Questions or Concerns?
Reach out to Natasha Morrison, Dir. of Real World Learning, at