
Boston University Virtual Spring Visit Day

Boston University will be hosting a virtual Spring Visit Day for your sophomores and juniors and their families to learn more about BU. 

This event will include an in-depth information session, covering everything from student life to study abroad opportunities to what makes an application competitive for admission. Attendees will also have the opportunity to take a live guided tour and hear from current students about their BU experience.

Tuesday, April 20
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time

For more information about Spring Visit Day, please visit our website.

Please note that all students who plan to attend should RSVP on our website

If this day and time fall on your cohort day and you would like to attend, please email your counselor to make arrangements: eknott@davincischools.org

By |2021-03-26T15:43:08-07:00March 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Boston University Virtual Spring Visit Day

Athletics Update

Hello WDV Community and Families:

We will soon be launching an Athletics blog to communicate directly with students and families who are interested in receiving athletics updates. In the meantime, please continue to look for updates on our Athletics webpage. Thank you again for all of your patience. I know there are many questions swirling around the WDV Athletics program, so here it goes…

A few weeks ago, I was brought on to help the Athletics program get organized and create runways for our different sports teams, so they are ready to fly when we get the green light. This has been a lot more challenging than expected with different managing partners for all the facilities we use and different COVID protocols. Despite this, we have been hard at work. Here is a sport-by-sport update:

**Click on the name of the sport to get a direct link to coach’s email**

Swimming: Tryouts Thursday 3/25 4-6 at the Aquatics Center, 201 N. Douglas St.

Softball: Tryouts Monday 3/29 4-6 in field behind DV Connect, 12501 Isis Ave.

Boys Soccer: Conditioning starting 3/29-3/31 and Tryouts 4/1-4/2, locations vary so please touch base with Coach Kevin or Michael. We are currently fielding applications to hire a Program Head Coach.

Baseball: There is currently a fence in the middle of the outfield of our practice facility that was placed there by LA County. Coach Noya has had multiple meetings to get this taken off and we are hoping for good news soon.

Girls Soccer: Is off to a great start with their first game this week! They have been hard at work conditioning at the beach and prepping for the season.

Track: We have hit many speed bumps here but with Coach Jackson supporting this program we will find a way! The practice facility at Lennox is still shut down with a board meeting not happening until April 20 to discuss reopening of their facilities. In the meantime, we are working on some creative local partnerships to allow the teams to start working out together.

B Basketball, G Basketball and Volleyball: These sports have been under the toughest restrictions as they are played indoors. Currently, the guidelines that have been placed require periodic testing and we are working with different companies to get that set up for our athletes. When the testing is in place, we will submit a COVID protocol to the county. We will be ready to go once the County approves us.

Thanks again, and please reach out with any questions, comments or concerns.

Go Wolves!


Tori Grafeman

Interim Athletics Director


By |2021-03-25T21:20:27-07:00March 25th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Athletics Update

Don’t forget: Regional Admissions Counselors of California (RACC) Virtual College Fair

Regional Admissions Counselors of California (RACC) is hosting a virtual college fair on April 14 and April 28! Register to listen to knowledge sessions like “Considering Out of State Colleges and Building Your College List”, “College Admissions- How Covid Made the Process Pivot” and more! You are also able to register to attend virtual college info sessions from colleges/universities such as: Elon University, Oregon State, Ohio State, TCU, University of Maryland, University of Arizona, Emerson College, and international colleges like King’s College London, American University of Paris, and University College Dublin! See the above flyer for more info! You can also click on THIS LINK to register for knowledge sessions and the college presentations, and to see a complete list of colleges/universities presenting!

By |2021-04-13T17:54:17-07:00March 24th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Don’t forget: Regional Admissions Counselors of California (RACC) Virtual College Fair

Learning Log #4- due this Friday March 26!

Learning Log #4 is due THIS FRIDAY MARCH 26! Please know that turning in learning logs on time and filled out completely, including student work samples, is a requirement by the state for independent study. Failure to turn in a completed Learning Log with appropriate work samples will trigger a non-compliance letter to be sent.

Attention students, please check your Learning Logs #1, #2, and #3- some of you have feedback that needs to be addressed and edited! So also check those.

Thank you for your work on these!

By |2021-03-23T21:50:31-07:00March 23rd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Learning Log #4- due this Friday March 26!

Grammy Camp- deadline extended!

Hello Students and Parents,

The deadline to apply for Grammy Camp has been extended to April 15! GRAMMY Camp® is a 5-day nonresidential summer music industry program for high school students interested in having a career in music. Students from across the country can apply to one of the many career tracks offered during our virtual 2021 session. GRAMMY Camp faculty of music professionals as well as guest industry professionals provide valuable insight to give the campers the best chance at achieving success in their chosen career. For more information and to access the application, please visit this website!

GRAMMY Camp: July 20-24, 2021

Financial assistance is available to students who need it.

By |2021-03-23T17:47:23-07:00March 23rd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Grammy Camp- deadline extended!

FREE Practice SAT and ACT tests with Princeton Review! Still time to sign up!

DV Connect HS Students and Families-

If you are interested in registering for the FREE full length practice SAT and practice ACT (administered by The Princeton Review) for Da Vinci Schools, please sign up using these links:





Tuesday, March 30th SAT practice test at 3:30pm

Tuesday, April 20th SAT practice test at 3:30 pm

Tuesday, May 18th SAT practice test at 3:30pm


Thursday, April 1st ACT practice test at 3:00pm

Thursday, April 22nd ACT practice test at 3:00pm

Thursday, May 20th ACT practice test at 3:00pm


Practice exams will be scored by The Princeton Review.  They will not be official scores and will not impact college applications.  Although, many colleges/universities have opted to be Test Optional, that may change. These exams are purely for practice and exposure.

All students and grade levels are invited to participate.

By |2021-03-22T18:30:47-07:00March 22nd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on FREE Practice SAT and ACT tests with Princeton Review! Still time to sign up!

Weekly Update

Happy Friday!

Hope everyone had a nice week!

CLICK HERE for the daily tracker to plan out your asynchronous days, due dates for assignments and assessments, view class recordings, etc. Its a great way to keep up to date in your classes!

Also, please don’t forget that Learning Log #4 is due NEXT FRIDAY MARCH 26! Please know that turning in learning logs on time and filled out completely, including student work samples, is a requirement by the state for independent study. Failure to turn in a completed Learning Log with appropriate work samples will trigger a non-compliance letter to be sent.

Attention students, please check your Learning Logs #1, #2, and #3- some of you have feedback that needs to be addressed and edited! So also check those.

Thank you for your work on these!

Reminder that next two Mondays and two Tuesdays, the daily class schedules has been altered time wise to accommodate the CHYA.

In compliance with the California Healthy Youth Act, all Da Vinci Schools will hold two sessions of the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA) Webinars provided by Da Vinci Schools school nurse, Dr. Emily Green. Please CLICK HERE for the letter from Dr. Green.

The DV Connect HS CHYA webinars will be held on:

Mon/Thurs A/B cohort: March 22 and 29; 12:30pm-1:30pm https://zoom.us/j/93164221311

Tues/Fri C/D cohort: March 23 and 30; 1:05pm-2:05pm https://zoom.us/j/96516919402

The daily class schedules for those days listed above will be slightly altered to accommodate. Please CLICK HERE for the daily class schedules that have been adjusted timewise to accommodate.

Spring Break is taking place April 5-9, no school that week.

Have a great weekend!

By |2021-03-19T22:11:19-07:00March 19th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

California Healthy Youth Act Parent Notification

Hi DV Connect HS Families,

In compliance with the California Healthy Youth Act, all Da Vinci Schools will hold two sessions of the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA) Webinars provided by Da Vinci Schools school nurse, Dr. Emily Green. Please CLICK HERE for the letter from Dr. Green.

The DV Connect HS CHYA webinars will be held on:

Mon/Thurs A/B cohort: March 22 and 29; 12:30pm-1:30pm

Tues/Fri C/D cohort: March 23 and 30; 1:05-2:05

The daily class schedules for those days listed above will be slightly altered to accommodate. Please CLICK HERE for the daily class schedules that have been adjusted timewise to accommodate.

Any questions, please contact the School Nurse, Dr. Emily Green, at egreen@davincischools.org

By |2021-03-17T22:02:58-07:00March 17th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on California Healthy Youth Act Parent Notification

Connect High Reopening Plan–Respond to Survey!

Greetings Connect HS Community,

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Phase II Reopening Plan meeting this evening. If you missed it, this e-mail contains everything you need to know, including a recording of the meeting. We understand the difficulty of navigating the wide range of emotions, perspectives, and opinions that come with processing this plan. We know that it has been an extremely difficult year for all of us, and this plan certainly does not eliminate or alleviate that entirely. However, this plan does show care for ALL community members at Connect, and is a strong stepping stone to our return to “normal.” Thank you for the ongoing trust, support, and grace you have shown us as we navigate one of the most challenging times in our educational careers. We cannot wait to see you and your students back on campus sometime soon.

In order to have a full understanding of our plan, please view the recording of our meeting HERE (Password: et!$9*Zr). You can also view the presentation slides HERE.

To access the COVID Handbook (which will continue to be updated as guidelines change), please click HERE.

After watching the recorded meeting, reviewing the slide deck and reviewing the COVID Handbook, please complete THIS SURVEY no later than March 17th.

With Immense Gratitude,

Michelle and Marc

By |2021-03-16T04:30:58-07:00March 16th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Connect High Reopening Plan–Respond to Survey!
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