
European Universities Consortuim Virtual College Fair!

European Universities Consortium (EUC) US, Canada & Caribbean Tour is confirmed! The tour will occur October 5th – 6th virtually for you and your students to attend.


You can register for the event here and check this brochure !


Below are the participating universities:

The agenda for both days is as follows:

October 5th: 5- 8PM EST (2pm-5pm PST) & October 6th: 5-8PM PST

5:00-8:00 PM: Booths open for information and chatting with university representatives.


Session Schedule (both days):

5:00-5:30 PM: Introduction to the EUC Universities with Q&A

5:30-6:00 PM: Q&A for Counselors


LIVE University Presentations:

Oct. 5th EST: (remember this day starts at 2pm PST)

6:00-6:30 PM: Studying in the Capital of Europe: Brussels School of Governance

6:30-7:00 PM: Careers in Germany: Carl Benz School

7:00-7:30 PM: Dive into Research at Jacobs University

7:30-8:00 PM: Embrace Entrepreneurship at IE University

Oct. 6th PST:

6:00-6:30 PM: Study with a View at Modul University Vienna

6:30-7:00 PM: Study Business at Bocconi

7:00-7:30 PM: Explore the World of Hospitality at EHL

7:30-8:00 PM: “Céad míle fáilte” to Trinity College Dublin!


The event will be facilitated on the EUC platform which includes chat & video functionality! The live presentations include Q&A sessions and our virtual booths have downloadable brochures. Come experience the ease of talking with us!

By |2021-09-20T15:23:56-07:00September 20th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on European Universities Consortuim Virtual College Fair!

Weekly Update

Hi DV Connect HS students and families-

CLICK HERE for the Daily Tracker. This document keeps everyone (student, family) up to date with class assignments, due dates, assessments dates, what happened in class, etc. And this is a great tool students can use to build their asynchrounous at home work days.

Next week is a normal scheduled week- Mon/Thur and Tues/Fri cohorts 9:15am-3:15am.

Grades will be updated and posted later today after 5pm! Please check your student’s PowerSchool account for grades. CLICK HERE to log into PowerSchool. If you are having issues logging in, or don’t know your username and password, please email your School Counselor. The School Counselor breakdown is by student advisories and is as follows:

Erin Knott: Jared, Daniel, Ms. Wells, Kevin, and Ayala’s advisories: eknott@davincischools.org

Kene Washington: Alejandra’s advisory: kwashington@davincischools.org

Sylvia Soria: Ms. Hannouche’s advisory: ssoria@davincischools.org

Important Upcoming Dates:

Wednesday Sept. 22nd, 6:30pm-7:30pm– Parent Meeting- “Everything You Wanted to Know About Learning Logs” on Ayala’s Zoom link

Thursday Sept. 23rd and Friday Sept. 24th– Club Day- during advisory

Wednesday Sept. 29th, 6:30pm-7:30pm– Parent Meeting- “Just for Juniors”- what you should do and know now to prepare for college

Week of Sept. 27th- Oct. 1st– MAP Testing- testing will take place during the school day during normal school hours

Tuesday Oct. 5th– Learning Log #1 is due!

Have a nice weekend!

By |2021-09-17T22:06:09-07:00September 17th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

STEM opportunity tonight at 4pm PST!

The Olay Face the STEM gap challenge to encourage more girls to pursue STEM careers is tonight (September 15th) at 4pm PST! This is a career-focused online event to introduce some of the STEM women or Olay to high schools girls. Olay will be giving away 200 awards of $500 but are capping the participants at 1000 – you can register here now at https://olay-face-the-stem-gap-role-model-panel.heysummit.com !

By |2021-09-15T19:59:50-07:00September 15th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on STEM opportunity tonight at 4pm PST!

FREE Princeton Review PSAT Sessions!

The Princeton Review is hosting PSAT Week! From October 4th to October 6th, and are offering a series of online events covering what strategies to use on the PSAT, how to understand PSAT Scores, and how students should begin the college search process. Students and parents can learn more about PSAT Week by clicking on the individual links below.

PSAT Strategy Session Monday, October 4, 2021 7:00 PM
PSAT Scores, Now What? Tuesday, October 5, 2021 7:00 PM
Finding Your Dream Colleges Wednesday, October 6, 2021 7:00 PM


By |2021-09-14T15:40:35-07:00September 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on FREE Princeton Review PSAT Sessions!

Club Applications and Club Day

Club Applications are now being accepted for the 2021-2022 school year.

If you are interested in starting a club please complete this form https://forms.gle/ayRZ2gXo2NskCwNj7

Club applications are due Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 8:00am.  Applications will be reviewed and approved by the faculty and staff.  If your club is approved a staff sponsor will be assigned to support your club. You do not need to have a sponsor to apply.

If you are interested in joining a club, you may sign up during Advisory on Club Day.  Club day will be Thursday, September 23rd and Friday, September 24th during Advisory.

By |2021-09-13T14:37:15-07:00September 13th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Club Applications and Club Day

Weekly Update

Happy Friday, DV Connect HS students and families-

Hope everyone had a nice week!

CLICK HERE for the daily tracker- a one stop shop of assignments, due dates, assessment dates, and what happened in class for a particular day. Its also a great tool to use to build your asynchronous at home work days. Teacher office hours and zoom links are also on there!

Please note, next Friday September 17th is a Staff Professional Development Day- no school for students and no students on campus this day!

Also, please remember to keep updating and working on your learning logs! Please see your advisory teacher if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your work on these.

Have a nice weekend!

By |2021-09-11T16:44:52-07:00September 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

Follow-Up Message Regarding 9/8 Social Media Threat

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students of Da Vinci Communications, Design, Science and Connect High Schools:

Earlier this week we became aware of a threat based on postings on social media that warned of a possible shooting at our campus on Wednesday, September 8th. We immediately contacted our School Resource Officers from the El Segundo Police Department (ESPD) who initiated an immediate investigation into the matter, in collaboration with Da Vinci Schools. Thanks in large part to the volume of information received from parents, students, staff, and community members, both DV and ESPD were able to successfully investigate and identify the students involved in the incident. We followed up with communication early Wednesday morning to inform all DVC, DVD, DVS and Connect High families that our schools would be open on Wednesday after having verified that the threat was deemed not to be credible.

Here are a few updates that we would like to share with you based on follow-up questions that we have received from families after the last notification went out:

– School has continued this week safely and without any further interruptions

– ESPD and DV continue to investigate the incident in order to ensure that all the issues that came to our attention this week are fully addressed

– ESPD has continued to provide their assistance as a resource to our schools

– Students at DVC, DVD, and DVS who were present on Wednesday participated in an activity that morning provided by DVC Principal Erin D’Souza that gave the students an opportunity to discuss the incident and address it in a focused and healthy manner. Connect HS students will also have this resource available to them. > School Safety Update

– All Counselors and mental health staff have been made available to students and staff to assist in any way possible to help with any anxiety, stress, and trauma generated by this incident

– Our Critical Incident Drill which was being planned for late September/early October will be moved up to be conducted as soon as possible in collaboration with ESPD and the El Segundo Fire Department

– We will continue to review and improve our critical incident communication and procedures. Thank you to the many people who have submitted suggestions and recommendations.

Lastly, many questions were posed regarding specific information about the students involved. This type of information is referred to as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as defined in Title 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 99.3. and also relates to the type of information that is categorized as a student record. Both at the state level (California Education Code 49061(b), 49076, and Title 5 California Code of Regulations 430 (b)), and the federal level through the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 34 CFR 99.31, student records are protected as confidential records and can only be accessed as provided in law.

Thank you for your support. We will continue to provide updates as needed. Our goal remains to provide the highest level of safety possible for our students and staff.

Be well and be safe,

Vicente Bravo

Chief Administrative Officer
Da Vinci Schools
201 N. Douglas Street
Office – #1308-Musician
El Segundo, CA 90245

(424) 290-3244 direct
(310) 725-5800, Ext. 1308 main

By |2021-09-10T23:22:41-07:00September 10th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Follow-Up Message Regarding 9/8 Social Media Threat

Coast to Coast College Info Sessions: Vanderbilt, Dartmouth, UC Berkeley, Princeton, and Northwestern


CLICK HERE to register for a info session with Coast to Coast, a joint travel partnership among Dartmouth College, Northwestern University, Princeton University, University of California-Berkeley, and Vanderbilt University. Because each of the institutions practices holistic admissions within a highly selective environment, they have partnered to offer insight into the seemingly complex admissions process.  There are several dates and times in September, so choose one that best fits your schedule!

Sample Agenda for the Evening:

5:00 p.m. Program Opening and Welcome
5:20 p.m. School Presentations
5:50 p.m. Question and Answer
6:15 p.m. Program concludes
By |2021-09-09T21:55:06-07:00September 9th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Coast to Coast College Info Sessions: Vanderbilt, Dartmouth, UC Berkeley, Princeton, and Northwestern
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