
New Internship Opportunities

Hello Da Vinci Scholars,

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope you are all refreshed and ready to finish the semester strong. Here are my announcements for the week:

👩🏻‍💻🧑🏽‍💻 The Oppti Internship Placement Program offers students the opportunity to intern at different companies virtually all-year-round. Students are matched with companies based on their interests which can include Social Media Marketing, Public Relations, UI-UX, and more! You can be matched to work in sports, beauty, fitness, real estate, among other fields. Apply today – Limited Space is Available.

☎️  Teen Line is looking for volunteers in the 9th and 10th grades that are interested in mental health and who want to support teens that call the hotline. Applications and references are due on Thursday, May 12 before 1 pm. To apply, please click here: Link

📢  Applications are open for UCLA’s Big Data for Justice Summer Institute focused on criminal justice in Los Angeles. The institute is free* and open to all seniors who are graduating this summer. This is a 4-week program designed to develop your ability to analyze data using digital technologies. Students will collaborate with community organizations to conduct analyses on arrests by the Los Angeles Police Department. To apply, please click here: Link
*The fee you see on the website is waived to make it accessible for all those who are interested in applying.

😎  GLCO is awarding two $10,000 scholarships to students graduating from a Los Angeles high school by the end of the 2021-22 academic year who identify as black, indigenous, and people of color who have an interest in pursuing a career in the eyewear industry (making reading and sunglasses). If you receive this scholarship you will be able to participate in a paid summer internship the following year. To learn more, please click here: Link

🤖  Afro Animation Virtual Summit 2.0 is the largest virtual summit for recruiting black artists who want to become animators. You can register for free here: Link

✈️  The El Segundo Western Museum of Flight is seeking a volunteer to support their work around the upcoming Women in Aerospace Exhibit. To learn more, please click here: Link

If you have any questions about any of these opportunities, please contact Crissel at crodriguez@davincischools.org.

By |2022-04-19T10:35:53-07:00April 19th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on New Internship Opportunities

Exhibition!! Save the Date


There was a date/day typo in the original email.  The date/day has been updated, please see below –

We are excited to announce our Exhibition Showcase on Tuesday, May 31 from 6-8PM for 10th, 11th and 12th graders and on Friday, June 3 from 6-8 PM for 9th graders only.  Please save the date and come out to support our students as they showcase their growth of the course of this school year.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

By |2022-04-21T09:18:46-07:00April 18th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Exhibition!! Save the Date

Weekly Update

Happy Friday, Connect High School students and families-

Spring Break is next week! There is no school 4/11-4/15. School will resume on Monday 4/18. Here is the scheule for that week, 4/18-4/22, with normal cohort days on Mon/Thurs and Tues/Fri:

Wiseburn Educational Foundation needs volunteers for their annual “Rock Around the Block”! Please see info below and QR codes to scan to voluteer!

Spring Break is here, but before you go don’t forget to buy your yearbook! Last day to buy you yearbook is TODAY! Get yours today at the link below:

Link: https://store.shopyearbook.com/connect-hs-yearbook

Upcoming Dates:

  • 4/25-4/29 MAP Testing
  • 4/30 Wiseburn Ed Foundation’s Rock Around the Block @ Dana Middle School
  • 5/2 PD Day, no school for students

We hope you have a relaxing Spring break!


By |2022-04-08T15:13:48-07:00April 8th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

FREE at home COVID-19 tests are available

Dear Da Vinci Students, Families,


Da Vinci has received additional at-home COVID-19 ihealth test kits. A two-pack of test kits will be available to each student and staff member. We strongly encourage students to pick up a COVID test kit and self-administer prior to returning to campus after Spring Break. Please report at-home test results here (both positive and negative results should be reported)


School sites have test kits for students to pick up at each site location. An additional pick up TODAY Thursday, April 7, 2022 from 4-6pm at 201 N Douglas Street Parking lot for any family that missed other pick-ups.


Each kit contains 2 tests. The recommendation is that parents/guardians administer one test at home to their student Sunday April 17th and the other can be kept for future use in the event they are identified as a close contact or become symptomatic.


A negative test is not required for students and staff to return to school after spring break, but in the event your child exhibits any flu-like or cold symptoms, your child should get tested and remain at home.


Students that test positive must follow the LA County Isolation guidelines and may not attend school during the required isolation period. Da Vinci School Nurse will follow up with return to school guidance for any positive results reported.



For current quarantine, isolation, and other COVID FAQs please see here.


Emily Green, School Nurse, RN, PhD

Fax: 310-356-3224

By |2022-04-07T13:57:32-07:00April 7th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on FREE at home COVID-19 tests are available

Announcements from the Real World Learning Director

Crissel Rodriguez – crodriguez@davincischools.org

Hello Da Vinci Scholars and Families,

Many scholars have started applying to the summer opportunities which is exciting! Please note that scholars can receive 5 academic credits for completing 60 hours of service throughout the summer. Once you receive confirmation that the business/organization is willing to host you as an intern or a volunteer, please email me so I can send you the required forms.

  • The Knowledge House Coding Fellowship information session is today, Tuesday, April 5th at 6 pm. Please email me to register or to request the link to tonight’s recording.
  • The Boeing application is still open for students who attended the mandatory information session in March. Please email me to get your application started!
  • The Hawthorne Police Department is offering the opportunity to intern with their Community Affairs and Forensics Department. The opportunities are listed under the ‘Law’ and ‘Health Sciences’ sections.
  • The Rooted Friends Project is a non-profit organization in Hawthorne and they are seeking volunteers for Saturday, April 9 to shoot a Public Service Announcement. Volunteers will be featured in videos, and photos, and may be asked to model and act. Parent permission is required for scholars under the age of 18. Please contact Celeste (323) 427-9575.

My email is crodriguez@davincischools.org

By |2022-04-05T11:23:21-07:00April 5th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Announcements from the Real World Learning Director

Weekly Update

Hello Connect HS students and families,

Thank you for all your hard work and attention to detail on your Learning Log #5! Please make any and all corrections that your advisory teacher has given you by today! And don’t forget that Learning Log #6 began on Monday. Please make sure you are staying up to date with this!

Don’t forget to check the DAILY TRACKER– a one stop shop for all asynchronous and synchrounous work/assignments, due dates, projects, office hours times and links, etc. Its the best way to keep up to date and on track in your classes- for students and parents/guardians. Its also a great tool to build your asynch days. And don’t hesitiate to reach out to your teacher should you have any questions. The end of the semester is upon us, time to finish strong!

Grades are updated on your student’s PowerSchool account. Please check this reguarly to make sure you are up to date with what is being turned in, grades on assignments and assessments, overall grade in each class, etc. If you are having trouble logging into PowerSchool or need your log in information again, please contact your student’s School Counselor:

9th grade: Sylvia Soria

10th & 11th grade: Erin Knott

Just a friendly reminder that there are ONLY 6 DAYS LEFT TO ORDER THIS YEAR’S YEARBOOK! ! Don’t miss out on the great memories we’ve made this year. Pre-order ends April 8th . Click the link below to buy yours today!


Do you know how you are going to spend your Summer? If not, check out the Summer Opportunities blog post from DV Schools Real World Learning Program- there are volunteer and internship opportunites in various industries. A great way to build up your resume and work experience! Check it regularly, it is updated as new info/internships/opportunitites are received. Also, don’t forget to sign up for a time to meet with our Real World Learning coordinator, Tori, to talk about all things career related, resume and job application assistance, internship opprotunities, etc. Please sign up using this link !

Please join us for our Spring Exhibition! This event will take place on two different nights, according to grade level:

  • Grades 10, 11, 12: Tuesday 5/31, 6pm-8pm
  • Grade 9: Friday 6/3, 6pm-8pm

Exhibition will take place at: 550 Continental Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245

Below is next week’s schedule, with normal cohort days on Mon/Thurs and Tues/Fri:

Upcoming Dates:

  • 4/11-4/15  Spring Break, no school this week
  • 4/25-4/29 MAP Testing
  • 4/30 Wiseburn Ed Foundation’s Rock Around the Block @ Dana Middle School
  • 5/2 PD Day, no school for students
By |2022-04-01T15:11:58-07:00April 1st, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

RIOS Design Firm: Job Shadow and Internship opportunities!

Attention Connect Scholars:

RIOS Design Firm is hosting a job shadow day on Friday, April 15th from 1 to 4 pm at their office in Downtown Los Angeles. Four lucky students will be able to meet the RIOS staff and spend time at their company.

To apply, you must respond to the following questions by Friday, April 1st at 4 pm.  You can send your responses to Crissel Rodriguez at crodriguez@davincischools.org.

  1. Which profession, offered at RIOS, are you most interested in? Please see this list and pick at least two.
  2. What interests you most about these professions?
  3. What grade level are you currently in, and have you taken any courses related to this career?

RIOS is also offering internships this summer! To view these internship opportunities, please click here

By |2022-03-31T11:06:58-07:00March 31st, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on RIOS Design Firm: Job Shadow and Internship opportunities!

Paul Revere Williams Day at Los Angeles Trade Tech College


The Architecture for Communities of Los Angeles (ACLA) is hosting Paul Revere Williams Day at the Los Angeles Trade-Tech College on Saturday, April 2nd from 9 am to 5 pm.

The Paul Revere Williams Day celebrates inclusivity in design-related professions by providing a wide range of activities and modes of engagement between students, educators, and professionals to share information, resources, and excitement for design!

This free event is open to the public– RSVP today to make connections, try great food, and have fun learning more about design professions!

Activities will include:

  • Mentoring Sessions: Speak with college students, professionals, and teachers about pursuing a career in architecture, engineering, and construction-related fields.
  • Mock interviews: Sign up to practice your interview skills!
  • Portfolio Reviews: Present your work to professionals/teachers to get feedback!
  • Site Tours: Visit open houses at schools/companies, or construction site tours of buildings!

To RSVP, students/families can use this link.

By |2022-03-31T09:13:49-07:00March 31st, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Paul Revere Williams Day at Los Angeles Trade Tech College
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