Greetings Connect HS Community,

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Phase II Reopening Plan meeting this evening. If you missed it, this e-mail contains everything you need to know, including a recording of the meeting. We understand the difficulty of navigating the wide range of emotions, perspectives, and opinions that come with processing this plan. We know that it has been an extremely difficult year for all of us, and this plan certainly does not eliminate or alleviate that entirely. However, this plan does show care for ALL community members at Connect, and is a strong stepping stone to our return to “normal.” Thank you for the ongoing trust, support, and grace you have shown us as we navigate one of the most challenging times in our educational careers. We cannot wait to see you and your students back on campus sometime soon.

In order to have a full understanding of our plan, please view the recording of our meeting HERE (Password: et!$9*Zr). You can also view the presentation slides HERE.

To access the COVID Handbook (which will continue to be updated as guidelines change), please click HERE.

After watching the recorded meeting, reviewing the slide deck and reviewing the COVID Handbook, please complete THIS SURVEY no later than March 17th.

With Immense Gratitude,

Michelle and Marc