Swim is returning for Spring Season!
We are excited to get the swimmers into the pool with all proper COVID safety precautions put in place. The following items must be completed prior to participating in workouts:
Tryouts will be held for all new AND returning members of the swim team on:
Thursday, March 25, 3:00-5:00pm
First day of Practice will be:
Monday, March 29, 3:00-4:30pm
Tryout details
Minimum requirements to try out:
Swim 200 yards non-stop
Swim all 4 strokes (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle)
Comfortable diving into the water from deck or block
Protocols and Items to Bring:
Enter the pool deck from the North end of the Da Vinci School parking lot. When on the pool deck, physical distancing will be required of everyone from different households. Only swimmers in the pool will be allowed to take off their masks. When standing on the pool deck, masks will be required. The restrooms are only open for restroom use and cannot be used for changing or showering so come to the pool deck already in your suit. Be prepared for being in and out of the water depending on the number of students trying out. The following materials are recommended/required during tryouts
-Swim suit
-Cap (optional but recommended if you have long hair)
-Extra clothes to stay warm
-2 towels
If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Hannouche channouche@davincischools.org
Looking forward to seeing you in the pool!