
Student Documentary Competition hosted by CSPAN

Greetings DV Connect HS students and families!
Please see the below for an exciting competition opportunity, and click on the link at the bottom for more info and how to enter:

Charter Communications, locally known as Spectrum is once again proud to support C-SPAN and its annual StudentCam documentary competition. With many students across the country adapting to a virtual or hybrid model of learning, StudentCam 2021 offers an opportunity for project-based learning that can be particularly rewarding for both teachers and students, regardless of the educational setting.

The competition invites middle and high school students to join the national conversation on the challenges our country is currently facing by creating a 5- to 6-minute documentary on this theme: Explore the issue you most want the president and new Congress to address in 2021. Next spring, the C-SPAN Education Foundation will award 150 student and 53 teacher prizes totaling $100,000.

To ensure students’ success in these challenging times, Spectrum is committed to help bridge the digital divide with enhanced measures that expand internet access and maintain connectivity for remote learners.

 We hope you’ll join us in getting the word out about C-SPAN’s StudentCam and how it serves as an innovative enrichment-learning experience well-suited to these unprecedented times. For more information on the competition, please visit www.studentcam.org


By |2020-10-05T20:27:38-07:00October 5th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Student Documentary Competition hosted by CSPAN

Meal Program Updates!

Da Vinci Connect HS Families, we have two important Meal Program updates to share with you:

You may pick up FREE “grab-and-go” meals for ALL children 18 & under at Dana Middle School, located at 5504 W. 135th Street in Hawthorne, from 11:30AM to 1:00PM. Da Vinci is now partnering with Wiseburn Unified to provide meals for all of our students. Free meals end on Dec. 31, 2020.

Second, please complete a meal application to ensure your child receives free or reduced price meals for the entire school year. Apply by Oct. 1 to be entered into a raffle to win one of 7 Portable Bluetooth Speakers and 7 24” Gaming Monitors, provided by our generous donors! If you have already submitted an application or have been directly certified you will automatically entered in the raffle.  We are collecting meal applications from every single family regardless of whether you think you may qualify.  Complete a meal application by Oct. 1 to help us maximize funding for all Da Vinci students!  

Apply online at www.mymealtime.com, download an application from the Da Vinci website at www.davincischools.org/meals, or pick up a meal application from Dana Middle School or at the high school campus at 201 N. Douglas Street.

We thank you!

By |2020-09-23T20:20:36-07:00September 23rd, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Meal Program Updates!

Opportunity to Provide Input on the Draft Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

DV Connect is seeking input from students, staff, families, and community members on the initial draft of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan.  The purpose of this plan is to describe how DV Connect will address the impacts of COVID-19 and maintain continuity of student learning in the coming year.  The final document will include our plans for:

  • Providing distance learning and, when public health conditions allow, in-person instruction
  • Measuring student progress and participation and address learning loss
  • Providing supports for English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, Students with Unique Needs, and Low-income students
  • Ensuring access to devices and connectivity
  • Providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being
  • Student and family engagement and outreach to reengage students who are absent, unengaged, or at risk of learning loss
  • Providing school meals for students during distance learning and in-person instruction
  • Increasing/improving services for English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, and Low-Income students


DV Connect values stakeholder voice and input. This input will be used to guide revisions.  A draft will be presented in a public hearing on Friday September 25, 2020 8:00-9:00 a.m. via zoom link https://zoom.us/j/91367888850  and the final draft will be presented for adoption at the September 30, 2020 6:00 p.m. board meeting.

All stakeholders are encouraged to provide comments on the Draft Plan.  The Draft Plan and comment forms can be accessed at the links below.




Comments can be submitted using one of the following google forms:

English Comment Form  LINKED HERE

Spanish Comment Form (Formulario de comentarios en español) LINKED HERE/VINCULADO AQUÍ


By |2020-09-19T18:50:34-07:00September 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Opportunity to Provide Input on the Draft Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

Check out the “DV All Schools” clubs offered this year!

Hello Connect High School students and families!

Please check out the links below to learn more about the “DV All Schools” clubs being offered. Watch the videos to learn more about the clubs, then mark your interest in the google form.

DV Virtual Club Fair link

Club interest Google form

By |2020-09-18T20:24:57-07:00September 18th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Check out the “DV All Schools” clubs offered this year!

Student Photos and student opportunity!

Hello Connect High School Families!

Just a reminder that today is the last day for make-up student photos! Check our previous blog post HERE for all information regarding today’s make-up photo day!

If your student has already taken their photo with Stacee Lianna, photos are ready! You will be receiving a separate e-mail with your child’s password to their unique photo gallery of photos available for purchase. Please consider purchasing your child’s school photo!

Finally, one of our students, Milissa, (long time Connect K-8 student and now Connect HS freshman) has worked to create an opportunity for our students to participate in a forum to learn about how to become a better ally to their BIPOC peers and friends THIS Sunday! See below for more info:

By |2020-09-18T18:27:34-07:00September 18th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Student Photos and student opportunity!

Friday 9/18: Picture Day Make up and Non Student Day

Hello Connect HS Families!

This is a reminder that Friday, 9/18 is a non-student day. Staff will be engaged in professional development. There will be no classes held and you are not expected to homeschool. Enjoy the long weekend! In case you forgot, our year-long calendar can be found on the main Da Vinci Schools website HERE (scroll down to Connect).

Friday, 9/18 is also Da Vinci’s make-up picture day with our photographer, Stacee Lianna! She will be available for student photos from 8:30am-12:00pm.

You must register HERE

Please make sure to write your student’s first and last name when completing the registration form, not your name. 

These photos will be used for student IDs and for your student’s school picture 😉

Enjoy the rest of your week!

The Da Vinci Connect Team

By |2020-09-15T17:52:52-07:00September 15th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Friday 9/18: Picture Day Make up and Non Student Day

Free Mental Health Resource: HeadSpace LA County

Please check out this FREE resource from HeadSpace LA County– an app/website you can sign up for to access meditations, as well as sleep and movement exercises, designed to help you care for your mind — all free through 2020.  If you scroll to the bottom of the link above, they have curated lists of guided meditations, getting ready for sleep exercises, and guided walking meditations ready for you to play and get zen!

By |2020-09-11T21:15:01-07:00September 11th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Free Mental Health Resource: HeadSpace LA County

School Site Council and Labor Day Holiday…

Greetings Connect Families!

A few Friday topics:

  • Don’t forget that Monday, 9/7 is a holiday and there will not be any classes held. Enjoy your long weekend!
  • We will have our first School Site Council meeting on Wednesday, September 9th at 4pm at this link (password = connect). Thank you to all of our parents and students who have expressed interest in serving on the School Site Council!  We are grateful for their interest and support. We are required to hold a vote in order to select staff, parents and students to participate on SSC. Staff vote for staff, parents vote for parents and students vote for students.
    Parents: please vote for two K-8 parent representatives using this form.
    Students: please vote for two K-8 and two High School representatives using this form.
By |2020-09-04T21:23:45-07:00September 4th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on School Site Council and Labor Day Holiday…

Sign up “Meet Your Counselor” 1:1 Meetings!

Greetings DV Connect HS students and families!

Sign up on this link for a 20 minutes one on one meeting with Erin Knott, DV Connect High School’s School Counselor! This is a meeting to get to know one another, discuss any college, career, or academic goals you may have!


By |2020-09-03T17:27:24-07:00September 3rd, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sign up “Meet Your Counselor” 1:1 Meetings!

Please read! Important info about the Zoom authentication feature

Greetings Families!

Our IT Team created this tutorial (linked below) to help you navigating using the Zoom authentication feature. If your student encounters any difficulty, please email our tech team at studentsupport@davincischools.org and be sure to thank them for their hard work during this tech-heavy time!


Zoom Student Authentication

By |2020-09-03T15:12:06-07:00September 3rd, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Please read! Important info about the Zoom authentication feature
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