
Weekly Update

Hello DV Connect HS students and families,

Hope you had a great week!

Please remember there is no school this coming Monday 2/15 in observance of President’s Day.

As always, HERE is the link to the Daily Tracker. Use this when you are creating your daily work schedule on your asynchronous days, view any recording from your classes, and keep up to date with assignments and due dates of each! Teacher office hours and zoom links are also on each tab to schedule in your days, as well.

Have a wonderful 3 day weekend!

By |2021-02-13T00:46:57-08:00February 13th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

Weekly Update

Hi DV Connect Students and Families-

Hope everyone had a good week! Please remember that tomorrow, Friday February 5, is a PD Day, and staff will be in professional development and there is no school for students.

CLICK HERE for the link to the Daily Tracker- it is your one stop shop for all assignments, due dates, important recordings and info about your specific class period.

Have a great weekend!

By |2021-02-05T02:02:51-08:00February 5th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

Athletics Update & Info Meeting – February 25th at 5:30PM – Join Us!

We are excited to share that the Wiseburn Da Vinci Wolves have received approval by the CIF Southern Section Executive Committee to move from Small Schools Area 9 to Coast Area 2, paving the way for re-leaguing which will begin in the next few months!! A new league will benefit our student-athletes by providing a more competitive experience, more consistent game schedules, additional team levels, shorter travel times, and more.

Join us for a virtual Athletics Update & Information Meeting on Thursday, February 25 at 5:30PM. Zoom info is below. We will share info including:

+ Area Placement Change, Impact of Re-leaguing
+ What Spring 2021 (Season 2) will look like
+ Current CIF and L.A. County Department of Public Health Guidelines for Practices, Conditioning and Competition
+ Q&A

Athletics Update & Info Meeting
February 25, 2021 | 5:30PM

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/96739097320

All students, families and community members are welcome. We look forward to seeing you!

This update will be recorded for future access. 

By |2021-02-04T21:57:28-08:00February 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Athletics Update & Info Meeting – February 25th at 5:30PM – Join Us!

Make Up Distribution Day!

Hello DV Connect HS students and families,

If you were not able to make it to the supply distribution yesterday, Marc Pioch (Asst. Principal) will be at the DVX campus and you can pick the distribution class items at any time between 7:30am-1:30pm tomorrow, Wednesday, February 3, 2021. 

DVX is located at 2141 Rosecrans Ave Suite 1199 El Segundo CA, 90245.  DVX is in the same building as Grimaldi’s Restaurant.

Please email Marc to confirm you will be coming to pick up your materials from him at DVX: mpioch@davincischools.org

Thank you!

By |2021-02-02T19:36:03-08:00February 2nd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Make Up Distribution Day!

Weekly Update

Happy Friday, DV Connect HS Students and Families!

CLICK HERE for the Daily Tracker- remember- this a a great tool for you to keep track of your assignments, due dates, view any recordings/lessons, etc., and can also help plan your work schedule on your asynchronous days.

Also, don’t forget about the mandatory distribution pick up day coming this Monday February 1st, 3:30pm-5pm, at 201 N. Douglas St. El Segundo CA 90245. (Please note, in the email sent last night, the heading was a typo! Sorry for any confusion that caused!) Please help us by filling out the registration link using your students’ name (not parent/guardian name) for easy reference. Thank you!


As a reminder, please remember “windows down, masks up” when arriving for the event. This means we are asking you to ensure that each individual inside the car is wearing a mask when you roll your windows down to say hi and retrieve supplies. Also, please be sure that all individuals remain in the vehicle. We appreciate your cooperation in making this event safe for staff and families!

If you haven’t yet taken the parent survey, please do! We need your input! Please click on THIS LINK to access it. This will let us know how we are doing, and your feedback is crucial as we analyze the success and effectiveness of our programs!

Important Upcoming Dates:

Friday, February 5th is a Staff Development Day, so there is no school for students.

Monday, February 15th is President’s Day holiday, so there is no school on this day.

Have a wonderful weekend!

By |2021-01-29T22:55:24-08:00January 29th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

NACAC Virtual College Fairs

Sign Up Now for NACAC (National Association College Admission Counseling) Virtual College Fairs

Thinking about college? Here’s your chance to hear firsthand from those-in-the-know at hundreds of colleges and universities nearby, across the country, and around the world.

How? Attend a NACAC Virtual College Fair!

More than 500 colleges and universities will be online to talk with high school juniors and seniors on each of these days:

  • Sunday, Jan. 31: 1-7 p.m. ET
  • Sunday, Feb. 28: 1-7 p.m. ET
  • Sunday, Mar. 7: 1-5 p.m. ET – STEM
  • Tuesday, Mar. 16: 4-8 p.m. ET – Performing & Visual Arts
  • Sunday, Mar. 21: 1-7 p.m. ET
  • Saturday, Apr. 10: 3-7 p.m. ET – Western US
  • Tuesday, Apr. 20: 3-7 p.m. ET – Southeastern US
  • Sunday, May 2: 1-7 p.m. ET

Each virtual fair is a free, one-day event. Attend as many as you’d like. Families invited, too.

Sign up now at virtualcollegefairs.org. Select which colleges you’re interested in and set a reminder to attend their live Zoom sessions.

Sessions cover topics such as how to apply, financial aid, student life, and more. You can watch, learn, and get your questions answered about academics, athletics, diversity, study abroad, and other topics. You can also text chat or meet one-on-one with a college’s admission counselor by selecting a virtual meeting date and time.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, connect, ask questions, and discover your best college fit! See the below link for the NACAC flyer.

NACAC Virtual College Fairs are offered by the association that has represented counselors and admission officers worldwide since 1937. NACAC and its members are dedicated to ethical and inclusive service to students as they make choices about their higher education future.

nacac-2021-virtual-college-fair-flyer-0121_4 (1)

By |2021-01-28T21:29:44-08:00January 28th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on NACAC Virtual College Fairs

Update to HS Distribution Day Post! Important sign up link!

If you plan on attending the HS Distribution Day next Monday, Feb. 1, 3:30pm-5pm, please help us by filling out the registration link using your students’ name (not parent/guardian name) for easy reference. Thank you!




By |2021-01-26T22:28:15-08:00January 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Update to HS Distribution Day Post! Important sign up link!

Supply Distribution Day coming next week!

Hi DV Connect HS students and families,

We are holding a MANDATORY high school supply distribution day! We have important supplies all students need for their current classes. The distribution will take place next Monday, 2/1 from 3:30pm-5:00pm, at 201 N. Douglas Street, El Segundo, 90245.

9th grade students will receive art supplies and 10th grade students will receive their English book and some students will receive math supplies.

As a reminder, please remember “windows down, masks up” when arriving for the event. This means we are asking you to ensure that each individual inside the car is wearing a mask when you roll your windows down to say hi and retrieve supplies. Also, please be sure that all individuals remain in the vehicle. We appreciate your cooperation in making this event safe for staff and families!


By |2021-01-26T18:34:30-08:00January 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Supply Distribution Day coming next week!

DV Schools Parent Survey- Please Take!

Hi DV Connect HS families,

We need your input! Please click on THIS LINK to access our parent survey. This will let us know how we are doing, and your feedback is crucial as we analyze the success and effectiveness of our programs!

By |2021-01-25T23:05:09-08:00January 25th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on DV Schools Parent Survey- Please Take!

WASC: Student and Parent volunteers needed!

DV Connect HS has a major event happening this spring, the WASC Accreditation of our school. “ACS WASC accreditation is a process schools use to monitor student learning and set school improvement goals. ACS WASC accreditation is an ongoing cycle of quality. Schools assess their program and the impact on student learning with respect to the ACS WASC criteria and other accreditation factors.”

We are looking for volunteers (students, parents, guardians) to help in the WASC process, so please join us this Wednesday January 27th at 6pm for more information about WASC and your chance to provide input and support to the program. Please go to this zoom link, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84904742796?pwd=aE9HTGMzQnRqbWpSUHlQbVN1Z1dtUT09

Any questions, please contact Marc Pioch, Asst. Principal, mpioch@davincischools.org


By |2021-01-26T16:24:37-08:00January 25th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on WASC: Student and Parent volunteers needed!
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