
FREE Summer Art Classes

Hello Parents and Students,

The Academy of Art University is offering a plethora of free online art classes during their Pre-College Art Experience (PCAE) program this summer. The summer semester will start in the beginning of July and they will be offering 39 different courses for students to take. Besides the wonderful opportunity to take free art classes, every student will receive a $1,000 Academy of Art scholarship for each class they pass if they end up attending the Academy of Art one day.

The summer term begins July 5, 2021 – August 14, 2021 (for Summer you can take up to 3 classes).

To view the application and for more information on this program, please visit this website. 

By |2021-04-02T21:02:43-07:00April 2nd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on FREE Summer Art Classes

Athletics Update

Below is an update that Interim Athletics Director, Tori Grafeman, sent out last night in a DV Schools email:

Athletics Update (April 1, 2021)

Our Boys Soccer and Basketball teams are holding workouts and tryouts for the Spring! The schedule for the rest of the week and Spring Break is as follows:

Boy’s Soccer:

·     Tryouts continue: Friday, April 2 – Juan de Anza Elementary 4-6 PM

For more info about Boy’s Soccer, please contact Coach Reyes or Coach Garcia.

Boy’s Basketball:

·     Friday, April 2: 9th and 10th grades & new player tryout 4-6 PM at outdoor courts at 201 N. Douglas.

·     April 6-9: Outdoor practices at the outdoor courts at 201 N. Douglas for Varsity and JV with continued tryouts. 11th and 12th grade 11-1 and 9th and 10th grades 1-3 PM.

Due to the short notice, Coach Amaral will consider evaluating athletes post Spring Break as long as it is communicated with him that you will need an alternate time to tryout. For Boys Basketball, please join the Remind app for the latest information. Contact Coach Amaral for additional info.

Go Wolves!

Tori Grafeman

Interim Athletics Director




By |2021-04-02T16:24:26-07:00April 2nd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Athletics Update

Yearbook, Yearbook, Yearbook!

The Connect HS Yearbook staff is hard at work to create a yearbook for 20/21.

However, we need your help!

There are a variety of sections that need submissions, and we would love for all the students to contribute! Each section has its own set of instructions, and you can upload up to 10 files for each section.

Please click on this link to complete the form!

Reach out to Lauren (ltakahashi@davincischools.org) if you have any questions or need clarification on anything!

By |2021-04-01T15:27:50-07:00April 1st, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Yearbook, Yearbook, Yearbook!

Track and Field Info Night!

Interested in participating in track & field? Coach Jackson & Coach Mar are here to answer all your questions about tryouts, the season, and everything else track related. See details below.

What: 2020-21 WDV Track & Field (Parent and Student-Athlete Information Session)
Who: Coach Jackson/Coach Mar
When: Thursday, April 1, 2021 6-7:30 p.m.
Where: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/9669302157

Meeting ID: 966 930 2157

By |2021-03-31T15:56:16-07:00March 31st, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Track and Field Info Night!

Boys Soccer Conditioning and Tryouts THIS WEEK!

This week our boys soccer teams are holding workouts and tryouts for the spring! The schedule for the rest of the week is as follows:

– Conditioning: Wednesday – Del Aire Park (Back Field) 4-6 PM

– Tryouts Day 1: Thursday – Juan de Anza Elementary 4-6 PM

– Tryouts Day 2: Friday – Juan de Anza Elementary 4-6 PM

All boys are welcome to come – please bring a water bottle and mask!

By |2021-03-31T15:43:32-07:00March 31st, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Boys Soccer Conditioning and Tryouts THIS WEEK!

Weekly Update

Greetings DV Connect Students and Families,

Hope everyone had a nice week.

CLICK HERE for the Daily Tracker…a running document of each class due dates, assignments, recordings, etc. It is a very helpful document to plan out  how you should spend your asynchronous days and plan your time!

Learning Log #4 is due TODAY! Please know that turning in learning logs on time and filled out completely, including student work samples, is a requirement by the state for independent study. Failure to turn in a completed Learning Log with appropriate work samples will trigger a non-compliance letter to be sent.

Attention students, please check your Learning Logs #1, #2, and #3- some of you have feedback that needs to be addressed and edited! So also check those.

Thank you for your work on these!

Spring Break is April 5-9, no school this week.

There are some great virtual college fairs and info sessions happening this Spring! Please refer to previous blog posts about the different informational sessions. You can also contact Erin, your counselor, should you have any questions.
CLICK HERE for an update about Athletics.
Next week, detailed reopening protocols and procedures will be posted and emailed out. Please be on the lookout for that.
Part 2 of Dr. Emily Green’s CHYA Health Webinar is taking place Monday and Tuesday next week, Please click on the link next to this post for the daily class schedule for the adjusted class times for those days.  CHYA class schedules for cohorts
Here is the Zoom link for all students to use on Monday and Tuesday next week to access the CHYA webinar: https://zoom.us/j/96333846044
Have a great weekend!
By |2021-03-26T22:17:23-07:00March 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

Free Online Student Event: Mind Out Loud: Mental Health and Wellness


DV Connect Students,

Please consider attending this important 3 day forum where students from across California will be discussing the importance of mental health, an important topic during this time. You will be able to connect with peers all across the state, hear from speakers equipped with practical tools for wellness, increase mental health awareness and reduce the stigma about mental health. This forum is in conjunction with SD County of Education, and organization Wellness Together. See below flyers and links for more info!

CLICK HERE to register to attend!

CLICK HERE to watch the student rep video.

CLICK HERE to apply to become a student rep.

By |2021-03-26T18:27:54-07:00March 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Free Online Student Event: Mind Out Loud: Mental Health and Wellness

Boston University Virtual Spring Visit Day

Boston University will be hosting a virtual Spring Visit Day for your sophomores and juniors and their families to learn more about BU. 

This event will include an in-depth information session, covering everything from student life to study abroad opportunities to what makes an application competitive for admission. Attendees will also have the opportunity to take a live guided tour and hear from current students about their BU experience.

Tuesday, April 20
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time

For more information about Spring Visit Day, please visit our website.

Please note that all students who plan to attend should RSVP on our website

If this day and time fall on your cohort day and you would like to attend, please email your counselor to make arrangements: eknott@davincischools.org

By |2021-03-26T15:43:08-07:00March 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Boston University Virtual Spring Visit Day
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