
Lunch and Learn with SPACEX! Friday May 17!

Join us for a Lunch & Learn with SPACEX!

Monday, May 17th at 1:30pm 

Topic: Roles at SpaceX – hear from various SpaceX employees about their job

WHEN: Monday, May 17th 1:30pm-2:30pm


  • Will be held via Zoom
  • Open to all grade levels
  • Interested?  RSVP for the event here by 8am on Friday, May 14th https://forms.gle/kMoULrSchajtVNCd8 and you’ll be sent the Zoom link via the email you share on the form.
  • If this fall on your class/cohort day, please email Erin and let her know you would like to attend and she can excuse you early from class. eknott@davincischools.org

Questions or Concerns about the Lunch and Learn?  

Contact Natasha Morrison, Director of Real World Learning, at nmorrison@davincischools.org



By |2021-05-11T18:31:14-07:00May 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Lunch and Learn with SPACEX! Friday May 17!

Last Day to order your Yearbook is THIS FRIDAY!

Hello, hello!

The yearbook is on sale, but not for long!

Please access this link to buy: https://store.shopyearbook.com/connect-hs-yearbook

Hardcover yearbook are $26

Softcover yearbooks are $16

The last date to pre-order the yearbook is THIS FRIDAY 5/14/21.

Please email Lauren at ltakahashi@davincischools.org if you have any questions!

By |2021-05-11T18:26:09-07:00May 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Last Day to order your Yearbook is THIS FRIDAY!

California Student Mental Health Week

Children and youth mental health issues are real, widespread, and treatable. Latest studies indicate that one in five students have mental health issues and adverse childhood experiences have been shown to have lasting harmful impacts if not addressed. Tragically, suicide remains the second leading cause of death for adolescents. Researchers have found that the rate of mental health disorders in children and youth have steadily increased over the past two decades. One recent study linked the effects of the pandemic to a 91% increase in adolescent mental health crises. Here is a free workshop for parents/caregivers this Thursday May 13. Click on the blue link below to register.

● Virtual Workshop for Caregivers/Parents: Understanding and Responding to your Child’s Mental Health Needs in the Time of COVID. Thursday, May 13, 2021, 4:00-5:30 PM Register

By |2021-05-10T22:15:02-07:00May 10th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on California Student Mental Health Week

Apply Now: Guided Pathways Support Program- A Ron Brown Initiative

Click on THIS LINK to learn more about and apply to the Guided Pathways Support Program! The Guided Pathways Support Program is a Ron Brown Initiative and is a free College Access Initiative open to African American high school rising juniors and seniors, along with their parents and counselors. GPS guides and empowers students through every stage of the college application process. With its high-tech and high-touch mentorship approach, GPS connects students to the information and inspiration they need to make college accessible. Launched in summer 2016, GPS uses Workplace by Facebook to create a virtual community dedicated to helping students select, apply to, and pay for college. Applications are accepted year-round from high school juniors and seniors. HERE is a link to their FAQ section for more info.

By |2021-05-10T21:42:46-07:00May 10th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Apply Now: Guided Pathways Support Program- A Ron Brown Initiative

D.R. Moreland Named as New Wiseburn Da Vinci Athletics Director

DR Moreland

We are excited to announce that Donald “D.R.” Moreland has been named Athletics Director of the Wiseburn Da Vinci Athletics Program. D.R. assumed his duties last week.

Moreland has more than 20 years of experience as an administrator, athletics director, and passionate educator specializing in youth development, managing relationships across diverse populations highlighting community involvement, and commitment to academic and athletic achievement. READ MORE >>>

By |2021-05-10T19:56:41-07:00May 10th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on D.R. Moreland Named as New Wiseburn Da Vinci Athletics Director

Weekly Update

Greetings DV Connect HS students and families!

Hope everyone had a nice week!

Please CLICK HERE for the daily tracker- a place where you can access assignments, due dates, assessments dates, view any class recordings, and your teacher office hours times and zoom links!

MAP testing is next week May 10-May 14. Students will still have a full day of school, with information about testing during morning check in, all three of their classes in the morning and then testing in the afternoon.  Please see the following adjusted schedule for classes for next week:

SEL/Morning Meeting 9:15-9:30am
Period 1 9:30-10:20am
Period 2 10:30-11:20am
Period 3 11:30-12:20pm
Lunch 12:20-1:05pm
MAP Testing 1:05-3:15pm (breaks will be included)

Kevin Gray (Business teacher) sent an email last night about MAP testing, please see that for more detailed information!

Last Day of school is Wednesday June 9- 4 1/2 weeks left in the semester! Now is the time to finish strong- use the daily tracker to plan out your asynchronous days and attend your teachers office hours for support, clarification on content, ask questions, etc.!

Have a good weekend.

By |2021-05-07T22:14:19-07:00May 7th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

CoLabL Talent Accelerator – Apply Now!

Apply now for Summer Internships!

9th grade and above can apply by May 17th to participate in the Talent Accelerator virtual internship this summer.  They will work with a team of other Da Vinci students and corporate mentors on real projects aligned to employer needs, while participating in mentorship and upskilling workshops.  Students will choose 2 tracks/projects from the below options to participate in:

Child development Community Planning + Development Consumer Behavior Corporate Social Responsibility
Data Analytics Digital User Experience Employee Onboarding Media
Marketing Medical Nursing Policy and Advocacy Product Development
Finance Social  Media Audit Sports Management And more!



  • What is it? Students will work with a team of other Da Vinci students and corporate mentors on several real projects aligned to employer and industry needs alongside CoLabL Talent Accelerator. Please review the below documents for more information:
  • How do I apply? 

○ Apply by MAY 17th at 5pm

○ Apply online here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DaVinciSummer2021

  • You’ll need:

o    An updated resume, saved in PDF form as “firstname_lastname_resume”

o    A maximum one page essay describing why you would like to participate and what makes you a good fit for the program saved in PDF form as “firstname_lastname_essay”

o     Students will be informed of selection via email by May 21st at 5pm

  • Dates: The project consultancies will run from July 12th-August 6th.

○ They will be 100% remote

  • Hours: There will be 10 hours/week of work. There will be 60 minute mentoring and upskilling workshops each week. Students will work on 1 individual projects and 1 team projects during the internship.

Other details: 

  • ELIGIBILITY: Open to all grade levels, but students are expected to communicate with industry partners and Natasha independent of parents/guardian. Students are expected to communicate promptly and professionally via email.
  • SUMMER SCHOOL CREDIT: You will have the opportunity to earn 5 summer school credits for participating. It will reflect on your transcript as “Summer Internship Program”.

Need help with a resume? 

Check out these resources below and feel free to share your resume with Natasha via Google Docs for feedback.

Questions or Concerns? 

Reach out to Natasha Morrison, Dir. of Real World Learning, at nmorrison@davincischools.org


By |2021-05-05T15:52:51-07:00May 5th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on CoLabL Talent Accelerator – Apply Now!

Weekly Update

Greetings DV Connect HS families and students,

Happy Friday!

Don’t forget- the Yearbook is on sale! Please access this link to buy: https://store.shopyearbook.com/connect-hs-yearbook

Hardcover yearbook are $26, Softcover yearbooks are $16

The last date to pre-order the yearbook is 5/14/21. Please email Lauren at ltakahashi@davincischools.org if you have any questions.

Please check your PowerSchool accounts for the most updated grades. This is especially important as we head into the final weeks of the school year. Parents and students each have their own log in information. If you are having trouble logging in, please reach out to you counselor, Erin Knott, eknott@davincischools.org for help with this! And if you should have any questions about PowerSchool grades for your student, please reach out to that respective class teacher. Teacher emails can be found by clicking HERE.

This coming Monday, May 3rd, is a PD Day for staff; no students should come to campus this coming Monday. Staff will be in Professional Development all day. Normal school schedule and on campus instruction will resume Tuesday May 4.

Don’t forget to be filling out your Learning Logs! This last one of the school year will be due June 9!

Have a wonderful weekend!

By |2021-04-30T23:55:22-07:00April 30th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

The YEARBOOK staff needs your help!

The Connect HS Yearbook staff is hard at work to create a yearbook for 20/21.

However, we need your help!

There are a variety of sections that need submissions, and we would love for all the students to contribute! Each section has its own set of instructions, and you can upload up to 10 files for each section.

Please click on this link to complete the form!

Reach out to Lauren (ltakahashi@davincischools.org) if you have any questions or need clarification on anything!

By |2021-04-27T17:39:20-07:00April 27th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The YEARBOOK staff needs your help!

Weekly Update

Greetings DV Connect HS students and families-

Hope everyone had a nice week!

Please CLICK HERE for the Daily Tracker- your one stop shop for all things class related: assignments, due dates, assessments and tests, view any class recordings, what topics were covered in class on a particular day, etc. You are also able to view teacher office hours days/times, and the links for each!

If you missed Erin the other night at the College Info Session, please review the recording HERE. Also, please click on this link: 9th and 10th grade college meeting 2021 to access the PowerPoint presentation from the evening. Please let Erin know if you have any questions or would like to set up a meeting! eknott@davincischools.org

Have a great weekend!

By |2021-04-24T00:03:23-07:00April 24th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update
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