
Soccer Field Project Moving Forward, Construction Expected to Begin This Summer

Da Vinci Schools is thrilled to announce the long-awaited soccer field project at 201 N. Douglas Street is moving forward this summer. On March 8, 2022, the Da Vinci Schools Board of Trustees approved $1.5 million in reserve funds designated to complete the soccer field.

“Both Da Vinci Schools and Wiseburn Unified share a mutually beneficial goal and desire to complete the soccer field project for our students, families and community. It’s been four and a half years since the campus opened. As a long-term user of the facility, Da Vinci decided to assume financial responsibility for the completion of the soccer field,” said Dr. Don Brann, Da Vinci’s Board President.

A formal Facilities Use Agreement (FUA) between the Wiseburn Unified School District and Da Vinci Schools calls for the construction of playing fields at the high schools campus for the benefit of Da Vinci students, the Wiseburn District, and the Wiseburn community. With enough reserve funding on hand, the Da Vinci Schools Board of Trustees voted to fund and complete the project with the District’s cooperation.

The soccer field project is projected to begin in Summer 2022. The project scope includes removal of a large amount of existing dirt (estimated at 3,600 yards), grading, installation of new synthetic turf, bleachers and a scoreboard, among other work. The soccer field project is anticipated to be completed in time for use during the 2022-23 soccer season.

By |2022-05-24T13:06:40-07:00May 24th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Soccer Field Project Moving Forward, Construction Expected to Begin This Summer

Weekly Update

Hello DV Connect HS students and families,

Learning Log #6 DUE this coming MONDAY MAY 23 before 11:59PM! Please make sure it is filled out for each day, add any work samples, get the appropriate signatures, and submit before then! Please see you advisory teacher with any questions! Thank you for all your hard work on these.

Don’t forget to check the DAILY TRACKER– a one stop shop for all asynchronous and synchrounous work/assignments, due dates, projects, office hours times and links, etc. Its the best way to keep up to date and on track in your classes- for students and parents/guardians. Its also a great tool to build your asynch days. And don’t hesitiate to reach out to your teacher should you have any questions. All the same information that is on the Daily Tracker is also in each teacher’s Google Classrooms. The end of the semester is in 11 days, time to finish strong!

CLICK HERE to take a look at the Summer Opportunitites blog post for some great opportunities to intern, volunteer, job shadow, etc.! This is a great way to stay busy this Summer, maybe earn some extra money, and add to your resume and any potential college application!

There has been a slight change in Part 2 of Dr. Emily Green’s CHYA Teen Talk- it will now take place this coming Monday and Tuesday May 23 and 24 during advisory. This was orginally scheduled for the end of that week. Apologies for the switching of days and thank you for understanding!

Next week is a normal cohort week on Monday/Thursday and Tuesday/Friday:

A HUGE CONGRATS to DV Connect’s 10th grader Milissa Sutton, who has been selected as a finalist for the Los Angeles Youth Poet Laureate title. Milissa will be preforming one poem in the LA YPL Commencement on Saturday, June 11, 2pm at the LA Public Library Taper Auditorium (630 W. 5th Street, LA, CA 90071, parking lot below the library). Go out and support if you can! Go Milissa, we’re rooting for you!

Have a great weekend!

By |2022-05-21T12:26:50-07:00May 21st, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

Learning Log #6 DUE Monday 5/23!

Learning Log #6 DUE this coming MONDAY MAY 23 before 11:59PM! Please make sure you are filling it out each day, add any work samples, get the appropriate signatures, an submit before then! Please see you advisory teacher with any questions! Thank you for all your hard work on these.

By |2022-05-18T10:53:51-07:00May 18th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Learning Log #6 DUE Monday 5/23!

Weekly Update

Greetings DV Connect HS students and families,

Below is next week’s schedule. It is a normal cohort week on Mon/Thurs and Tues/Fri:

Tues/Fri of next week includes CAASPP Testing for Juniors only. After Juniors are finished they will be going back to their regularly scheduled classes.

Don’t forget to check the DAILY TRACKER– a one stop shop for all asynchronous and synchrounous work/assignments, due dates, projects, office hours times and links, etc. Its the best way to keep up to date and on track in your classes- for students and parents/guardians. Its also a great tool to build your asynch days. And don’t hesitiate to reach out to your teacher should you have any questions. All the same information that is on the Daily Tracker is also in each teacher’s Google Classrooms. The end of the semester is in 3 weeks and 2 days, time to finish strong!

CLICK HERE to take a look at the Summer Opportunitites blog post for some great opportunities to intern, volunteer, job shadow, etc.! This is a great way to stay busy this Summer, maybe earn some extra money, and add to your resume and any potential college application!

There has been a slight change in Part 2 of Dr. Emily Green’s CHYA Teen Talk- it will now take place on Monday and Tuesday May 23 and 24 during advisory. This was orginally scheduled for the end of that week. Apologies for the switching of days again and thank you for understanding!

Please see the following information about Exhibition from the staff:

Upcoming Dates:

  • 5/23 Learning Log #6 DUE BY 11:59pm
  • 5/30 Memorial Day holiday- no school
  • 5/31 10th, 11th and 12th Grade Exhibition 6pm-8pm
  • 6/3 9th Grade Exhibition 6pm-8pm
  • 6/7 Last Day of School AND Learning Log #7 DUE BY 11:59pm
  • 6/8 All School BBQ at 12501 S. Isis Ave (Connect K8 Campus) 10am-1pm
By |2022-05-13T14:54:04-07:00May 13th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Update

BSU Mental Health Awareness activities!

Hello DV Connect students-

Make sure to wear GREEN next Thursday and Friday, May 19th & 20th in support of Mental Health Awareness Month, for a BSU spirit week! And be prepared to watch a video created and produced by the DV Connect Black Student Union about Mental Health that’ll be playing on Monday and Tuesday, May 16th & 17th!

By |2022-05-13T09:29:00-07:00May 13th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on BSU Mental Health Awareness activities!

End of the Year BBQ!

Students, please join us at the Da Vinci K8 Campus for an all school BBQ! There will be music, games and good food! Please drop your student off at 12501 S Isis Ave, Hawthorne, CA 90250 no later than 10:15 AM on Wednesday June 8. This event will end at 1PM. Please ensure your student is picked up on time! This event is exclusively for Connect HS students only (no family or outside friends will be allowed in).

The deadline to RSVP for this event is 5/25 at 4pm. Please RSVP at this Evite link:



By |2022-05-12T13:27:53-07:00May 12th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on End of the Year BBQ!

You’re Invited! DVX Info Night

All Da Vinci Seniors and their families are cordially invited to learn more about how only Da Vinci Seniors can receive FREE COLLEGE and support in their first year of college and beyond.

Da Vinci Extension (DVX) partners with El Camino College, UCLA Extension and Southern New Hampshire University to bring a supportive and unique college experience that includes Career Building and Exploration as well Life Development Skills including Financial Literacy along with earning their College Credits and College Degrees.

If you are planning to attend El Camino College in the Fall or are undecided about your college future, you don’t want to miss this opportunity!

Please join us on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 7:30pm on the DVX Campus located at 550 Continental Blvd El Segundo CA, 90245 or you can join us via our live stream on Zoom.  Please see the link below.

Zoom link: https://bit.ly/3LrVGF6
Meeting ID: 986 0974 8426

Hope to see you there!

Sincerely the DVX Team


Noches de Información sobre DVX para Estudiantes y Familiares

Todos los Seniors de Da Vinci y sus familiares están invitados cordialmente a hallar de cómo los Seniors de Da Vinci podrían recibir crédito universitario SIN COSTO y apoyo con su primer año de colegio y más.

Da Vinci Extension (DVX) se asocia con El Camino College, UCLA Extension y Southern New Hampshire University para provocar una experiencia única y con apoyo que incluye la exploración y el desarrollo de carrera y además el desarrollo de habilidades de vida, incluso las habilidades financieras mientras obtienen sus créditos universitarios y/o diplomado o título.

Si piensan en asistir a El Camino College en el otoño o estás indeciso/a acerca de su futuro académico, ¡no deben perder esta oportunidad!

Por favor, acompáñennos este miércoles, 11 de mayo a las 7:30 de la noche en el campus de DVX ubicado a 550 Continental Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 o pueden participar en línea por nuestra transmición en vivo en Zoom. Por favor vean el link abajo.

Zoom link: https://bit.ly/3LrVGF6
Meeting ID: 986 0974 8426

¡Esperamos que los veamos!


El Equipo de DVX

By |2022-05-10T15:41:43-07:00May 10th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on You’re Invited! DVX Info Night
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