Happy Friday, DV Connect HS students and families,

Many thanks for you participation in this week’s Map testing! We know it can be tricky, especially being virtual, and we thank you!

Also, thank you for all your hard work on the learning logs! We know this can be time consuming and sometimes confusing, and we greatly appreciate all your effort on these! And a friendly reminder that Learning Log #5 will be due on June 9- the last day of school.

HERE is the daily tracker- a wonderful way to keep up to date with assignments, due dates, test dates, etc. as we head into the final weeks of the semester. Remember to finish strong! And attend your teacher’s office hours if you have any questions, need some 1:1 support, etc. Teacher office hours links can be found on the daily tracker, as well. Just go to your teacher’s tab and your period number.

Have a good weekend!