Greetings DV Connect HS students and families!

Hope everyone had a nice week!

Please CLICK HERE for the daily tracker- a place where you can access assignments, due dates, assessments dates, view any class recordings, and your teacher office hours times and zoom links!

MAP testing is next week May 10-May 14. Students will still have a full day of school, with information about testing during morning check in, all three of their classes in the morning and then testing in the afternoon.  Please see the following adjusted schedule for classes for next week:

SEL/Morning Meeting 9:15-9:30am
Period 1 9:30-10:20am
Period 2 10:30-11:20am
Period 3 11:30-12:20pm
Lunch 12:20-1:05pm
MAP Testing 1:05-3:15pm (breaks will be included)

Kevin Gray (Business teacher) sent an email last night about MAP testing, please see that for more detailed information!

Last Day of school is Wednesday June 9- 4 1/2 weeks left in the semester! Now is the time to finish strong- use the daily tracker to plan out your asynchronous days and attend your teachers office hours for support, clarification on content, ask questions, etc.!

Have a good weekend.