Happy Friday, DV Connect HS students and families-

We hope everyone had a nice week! Thank you to all for your continued respect of our new space and neighbors!

Also, please don’t forget the drop off and pick up procedures- see the photo below.

There have been a lot of college webinars, expos, and Summer programs posted on the blog recently! These are a great way to learn more about different colleges, participate in extracurricular activities, and to learn about different career pathways. See you counselor if you have any questions: Sylvia Soria (ssoria@davincischools.org)-9th grade, or Erin Knott (eknott@davincischools.org)- 10th and 11th grade.

This coming Monday February 21st is President’s Day Holiday, there is no school on this day. Please note the weekly cohort schedule below.

Don’t forget to check the DAILY TRACKER– a one stop shop for all asynchronous and synchrounous work/assignments, due dates, projects, office hours times and links, etc. Its the best way to keep up to date and on track in your classes- for students and parents/guardians. And don’t hesitiate to reach out to your teacher should you have any questions.

Upcoming Dates:

SLC week: 3/7-3/10

PD Day: Friday 3/11

Take good care!